progress(label: str, value: float = 0.0, size: float = 1.0) -> float

The progress function adds a progress/work done indicator to your app.


  • label (str): The label displayed in the progress component, indicating its purpose.
  • value (float): (Optional) The current progress value (0.0 to 100.0). Values are automatically clamped to this range and rounded to the nearest integer for display.
  • size (float): (Optional) The width of the component in a row. Defaults to 1.0 (full row). See the Layout Guide for details.


  • float: the current value

Usage Example

Here’s an example of how to add a progress indicator to your app:

from preswald import progress
import time

# Simple progress example
progress(label="Current Progress", value=50.3)  # will display as 50%

# Progress in a loop
for i in range(10):
    # Update progress as work is done
    progress(label="Processing Files", value=i * 10)
    time.sleep(0.5)  # Simulate work being done

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