This guide walks you through the process of adding a new component in Preswald. For this example, we will create a component named helloworldcomponent. When adding your own component, replace helloworldcomponent with your desired component name.

1) Modify preswald/preswald/interfaces/

Add your new component under the existing ones:

import hashlib
from typing import Optional
from preswald.service import PreswaldService

def helloworldcomponent(
    label: str,
    default: Optional[float] = None,
    size: float = 1.0,
) -> float:
    """Create a new component with a consistent ID based on label"""
    service = PreswaldService.get_instance()

    # Create a consistent ID based on the label
    component_id = f"slider-{hashlib.md5(label.encode()).hexdigest()[:8]}"

    component = {
        "type": "helloworldcomponent",
        "id": component_id,
        "label": label,
        "size": size,

    return "hello world"

2) Modify preswald/preswald/interfaces/

Add helloworldcomponent to the list of available components.

from .components import helloworldcomponent

3) Create a Frontend Component

Create a new file in the frontend component directory:

Path: /preswald/frontend/src/components/widgets/HelloWorldWidget.jsx

import React from 'react';
import { Card } from '@/components/ui/card';
import { cn } from '@/lib/utils';

const HelloWorldWidget = ({
    _size = 'default', // "sm", "default", "lg"
}) => {
    return (
        <Card className={cn('w-full', className)}>
            hello world

export default HelloWorldWidget;

4) Register Component in DynamicComponents.jsx

Modify frontend/src/components/DynamicComponents.jsx to add a case for your new component:

import HelloWorldWidget from '@/components/widgets/HelloWorldWidget';

case 'helloworldcomponent':
    return (
            _size={component.size || 'default'}

5) Test Usage

Modify the example script at examples/iris/

from preswald import  helloworldcomponent

Run the test:

cd examples/iris && preswald run

Verify that ‘Hello World’ appears in the output.

6) Customize Your Component

Now that the basic structure is in place, you can customize the component’s appearance and functionality further as needed.

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